Today's clinic in Wickenburg, AZ was a big success
Thank you to everyone who came out!

That's Buddy, but not Jackpot
Jackpot got to participate in the second half

The first half he got to stand around and watch
That's him on the right there

Buddy has a word with Jet

Buddy's wife Kim works the cows
in the holding pen

It's Jackpot!!!

The idea here is to make that cow weave
thru the poles set up
Let me just say
WAY harder than it looks...
Some uncooperative
cows in that bunch

Jackpot again

Jackpot quickly got the hang of things
Rest while you can...

Jackpot and Buddy
gettin it done
they built a "rodear"
This is used out on working cattle ranches
A group of cowboys will hold a bunch of cattle
and cut out a cow at a time that needs
to be branded or doctored

Beautiful lady,
beautiful horse
and the author of this blog
could not resist taking this final photo
for the ladies...

That's great! I think I recognize (the horse's) butt in that last photo... hmmm.
Jackpot takes everything in stride, doesn't he? Even those scary-looking steer horns!
Once again, great photos. Jackpot is doing so extremely well, congratulations on the amazing progress. I will pulling for you when you are down in Ft. Worth!! :) As for me, to answer your question, we will have to see. I was really close this year, but backed down. I may be itching to take on that challenge next year, so I will definitely keep you posted. :) Have a wonderful week, can't wait to follow your story some more.
Did I see Mikey on Quinn???? or is that wishfull thinking on my part!! LOL... How I wish I could be there, it looks like SO much fun!!
Great photos! Looks like a great turnout! Man wished I was there!
Loved the photos-go Jackpot and Buddy!!
And of course the last photo! Thanks girl it is a great photo!
That looks like a fun clinic to go to. That's what I loved about AZ-there is such a diversity of types/breeds of horses.
Jackpot looks great!
I am sure everything will go fantastic with Buddy and Jackpot. Looks like Buddy has done wonders already.
Hey Mikey, love the pics, even the last one (teehee)!
Wish I could have been there. I will check back to this blog more often.
take care and happy horsin' around!
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